Saturday, January 18, 2014


Across Third from Safety King:  Rossman's Farms, the 24 hour, seven days a week grocery store.  There's cheap and fresh produce aplenty, and the place is always good for packaged goods from romantically obscure sources.  I came back the other day with 99c per lb apples & a $2.99 carton of Macedonian muesli.  It's a hell of a lot more entertaining than Whole Foods & a fraction of the price.  I dallied with Gowanus WF during its first week, lured by its tempting opening specials, but when the cereal went back to $6 I came to my senses & ditched it.  WF is rather proud of its Brooklyn-themed market & Brooklyn-sourced gourmet goods, but Rossman's, close by the Anton Junicik used auto part mountain, the"All Kinds of Meats" live market, Angels Made in Heaven clothing, and solitary customers sidling into the 24 hour video stores (catch some porn and buy some onions too at 3 a.m.!) has WF soundly beat when it comes to affordable local flavor.

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