Our last look at McDonald & Avenue I. I could have shown you the party venue Kids N Action, but I'm still wincing from memories of a visit there maybe eighteen years or so back. Something to do with complicated game tickets, crying children, & crowded birthday rooms. And a ride home with a very bad driver. Also, I felt a bit shifty taking pictures of kids going in & out of there, so I decided to give it a miss. Instead, let's look across the street briefly, to the cheery maidens of the GSA King Tomato Farm, a vast wholesale/retail fruit & veg emporium, next to Banya Spa.
A little farther south on that side, a gloomier scene. I don't know what goes on in here, but it doesn't look good to me. Let's hop back over the avenue quickly.
I like the way the elevated tracks cast strips of diagonal light straight along a block, and a passing train plunges the storefronts briefly in & out of shade. The effect is beautiful.
At the south end of the block, actually at J, the Starlite Lounge. Nothing like the Starlight Lounge in Crown Heights, which closed, sadly, in 2011. This looks like more of a Timboos (also closed), and has something of a reputation as an old-time dive. Who could resist the faintly painted melody, slight, twinkling stars, and bubbles rising from the clinking glasses?
Back at the station, a hand-written direction points the way,
And it's onto the train.
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