Saturday, February 23, 2013

Show & Tell

So here's next door's demo notice. Strangely enough, some unknown hand (not mine!) has supplied a little extra information, in what was formerly an empty space in the center of the bill. Along with Best Buy, The Notorious MMG, headed by Construction Supervisor Marie Grasso,  also has a hand in the operations. I'm not going to catalog the doings of Ms Grasso. You can find a litany of articles about her work on Brownstoner, IMBY, New York Shitty, & the late Bob Guskind's Gowanus Lounge, amongst others. But I will draw your attention to a Daily News story from 2009:

Marie Grasso may be the city's ultimate home-wrecker. The Staten Island demolition company owner is No. 1 on the list of building code scofflaws. Grasso has run up more than $1 million in fines by routinely violating building code safety rules, permitting conditions that injured workers and undermined the stability of adjacent properties. Yet the city continues to award her permits to knock down more buildings.

Read the rest of the article for more sordid details.

1 comment:

Marty Wombacher said...

That's just sickening. I hope somehow you make it through this. Hang in there if you can.