Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween on Fifth

Sadly I'm barely out of the point-&-shoot camp, but I'm not too bothered.  It's the same with writing really.  I'm all for slapping things down on the page or screen, and not worrying about the end result.  My goals are minimal.  Just record.

I love to head out to Fifth before it gets dark, when the kids are out with their parents and their candy bags. These days, Halloween is a far more supervised affair than in earlier decades, but it's still fun to see.  The parents are usually just as into the excitement as their kids are, and the candy-givers are buzzed too.  Something about the little gods of the day, self-conscious in their new identities, the mothers beaming with pride, and the crowded candy rush assault upon the stores just makes the avenue a blast.  The scariest night of the year?  This afternoon it's all love.

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