Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Two years after its installation the Gowanus Harvest Dome is looking a little the worse for wear. Here it is in 2013, along with the Harvest Dome mission statement:

"The trajectories and traces of Harvest Dome 2.0 amount to a poetics of shared aspirations for the natural environment within the city.  The challenge is to embrace the larger-than-life spaces of nature permeating our city without sizing them down for easy consumption. Harvest Dome brings people together in spaces and places seemingly inaccessible for their contamination, marginalization and neglect, to confront the sublime of nature and its transcendence in the urban realm, amid ongoing efforts to improve the quality, access and enjoyment of this resurgent public space."

That sounds very serious indeed. I wonder what Burt/Shamus - intrepid Gowanus man of action! - would make of such earnest sentiments.

But enough, enough of Burt.  Looking at the poor old dome today, just what is that boat-shaped structure next to the umbrella frames and soda bottles?  I'd love to know.


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